June DeAndressi
Head Teacher

Our Schedule
Self-directed independent and parallel play with the open-ended materials in our room.
We sing songs, read stories, play finger games, and work on simple shapes, colors, numbers, and sounds.
We practice our table manners and eat at big-kid tables for all our meals.
Everybody who is ready goes to visit the bathroom, even if it’s just to look around.
Open-ended free play in our little-kids playground (or in the ECDS gymnasium if we must be indoors).
Our arts & crafts period helps children practice fine motor skills, pre-writing, and number sense.
After Craftwork, the children help with clean-up and practice washing their hands at our step-up sink.
We practice our table manners and eat at big-kid tables for all our meals.
The kids help clean up the tables and put away their lunchboxes, and then we head over to the bathroom for another scheduled visit.
Lights out & quiet time on our napping cots.
We practice our table manners and eat at big-kid tables for all our meals.
Everybody who is ready goes to visit the bathroom, even if it’s just to look around.
We head back outside (weather permitting) for free play and/or organized gross motor activities like parachutes, hopping, running, etc. If we must be inside, we use the ECDS gymnasium instead.
The students run through our end-of-day routines and prepare for Mom or Dad’s arrival!
Our Developmental Goals for the Grasshoppers Room
Use utensils without help.
Hop on one foot and come to a running stop.
Potty train successfully (before Pre-K).
Sit without getting up for five minute intervals.
Engage with other children through parallel or physical play.
Use language to express desires, physical needs and dislikes.
Use gentle hands and listening ears.
Engage in group play.
Share materials in classroom.
Develop healthy attachment to teachers.
Use expressive speech.
Regulate emotions appropriately.
Develop empathy.
Cope with disappointment/change.
Transition from task to task well.
Feel comfortable with transitions between parent/teacher care.
Follow verbal prompts.
Recognize all colors and basic shapes.
Sing the alphabet song and count to ten.
Sing various nursery songs.
Recognize simple rhythms and music patterns.